I'm John. I sing and play guitar in this thing we call no one special. When I'm not doing that, I'm usually watching TV, working on cars, or attempting to write for
That's about it right now. Here are some fun facts about me to help all of you potential stalkers with your homework. Oh, and I must give a "shout-out" to Jeff for the great work he did on this site. He's a very kool kat, and single for all you lovely ladies in Denver. Good times, good times.

Born on Date:
July 15, 1976
Born in Year Of:
Favorite Movies:
Say Anything, The Red Violin, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Empire Strikes Back, The Natural, Titanic (okay, not really the last one)
Favorite TV Shows From the 80s:
Greatest American Hero, Growing Pains, MacGuyver, The A-Team
Favorite Bands Today:
Jimmy Eat World, Smashing Pumpkins, Matthew Good Band, Live, Foo Fighters
Favorite Bands in 1990:
Metallica, Poison, INXS, The Cure, The Replacements
First Concert:
Poison, Slaughter and The Bullet Boys - Irvine Meadows
Favorite Communist Leader:
Mikhail Gorbachov
Equipment used (aka, companies I would like endorsements from):
Fender Strat, Vacarro X-Ray, Marshall JCM 800 Head, Peavey 5150 Cabinet, Ibanez Turbo Tube Screamer and Boss Tuner
What's So Special About no one special:
I love the music we create together more than anything in the world, and Doug, Chris and Lance are three of the best friends a guy could ask for.

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